Thursday, March 17, 2005

Justice: Propaganda A-OK -

Does this bother anyone else? I'll tell you, I am scared. This whole administration and everything that is going down scares the living crap out of me. Can this really be happening? Why isn't everyone creating one holy stink over this? The good news is, someone in the press is picking it up. The bad news is, not many care. That's where I am forced to go, so many people feel that there is absolutely nothing that they can do about it that they totally ignore it. That scares me even more.

And in the, "I've been telling you it is going to happen," department, the Texas house recently passed, "... a provision that could spell the beginning of the end of public schools in Texas." It's coming, I tell you, it's coming.

While everyone frets that Bush is not providing enough funds for NCLB, they slowly dismantle public education as we know it. And that is not a good thing. No it's not.

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