Sunday, January 01, 2006

Tis the season to be testing --

Editorial from the Anniston Star, 2005-12-3, via Susan O'hanian.

...According to an Associated Press report, unless NCLB is changed, by 2014, when students in our schools are required to be 100 percent proficient in math and reading, even our best schools won’t be.

If one kid drops the ball, one student slips up, one subgroup comes up short, a school fails.

If there has ever been a classic example of lockstep, one-size-fits-all, individuality-out-the-door, ideological gobbledygook, this is it. If, indeed, the road to hell is paved with good intentions, No Child Left Behind is educational asphalt.

But there is hope.

Between now and 2014, when the hammer falls, the law must be reauthorized at least three times. That gives reasonable people three chances to change things.

And during that time, there will be at least four elections, which will give reasonable people four chances to vote out the folks who gave us this and put sensible people in their place.

In theory, No Child Left Behind makes only a little sense. In practice, it makes even less.

The author is correct. It is past time for all of us to begin demanding change from those of us that serve us in congress.

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